Thursday, July 3

Random ramble...

Far out, feels like we just went back to school after the last holidays, but we go again!
Tomorrow is Jakes last day...he is looking forward to having a break, he says.
(Nevermind that he has had the equivalent amount of time off already, during the duration of the broken leg saga!)
Tylah is keen to go til Friday, as her grade is walking down to the creek at Hastings Point, to have a bbq lunch as their end of term treat.
Jayden has been off FDC ever since becoming sick, & I am thinking he will be a nightmare to go back after his break!
I think if that happens, I will give notice with his carer, & keep him with me.

The bigger kids were going to go to Brisbane to spend a week with FIL & MIL, but, they fucked up with the differences between NSW & QLD holidays, and they won't even be here...they'll be in Phuket, the lucky buggers!

Jamie's sister called last night, & she wants them next w/, she can have 'em! LOL!
We will take them up next week, on Friday.
Will be nice, as my mum arrives on Thursday, for a weeks holiday!
We will have a few days on our own, just with Jayden here. I am really looking forward to spending time with my Mum.
I miss her so so much.

As soon as I am over this flu, I need to go visit my Nan, & redeem myself, cause, right now, I am the worlds worst Granddaughter.
I live so close to her, & hardly visit.
Not good! Kick my own ass for it, I will.

Starting to get the excitement again for Family Daycare, after having an interview yesterday, & safety inspection, (just need to modify a few little things)
Have a few carers who are leaving, to call, regarding purchasing some of their equiptment for my business!

I am so stuck on a business name though.
Can't think of anything, for the life of me, so I would love to hear any suggestions!!!!
