Saturday, June 28

Getting there..

Slowly, but surely, we are getting over this bitch of a flu thing.

Poor Jayden. It has hit him really hard.
At least the little man doesn't lose his appetite when sick....even if it's just "toast" he's better than nothing!

A very sweet friend called in on Thursday arvo with a huge bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. I tell ya, that certainly warmed the heart, & had us all feeling a tad better that night!
Did I mention she also supplied a slice of mud cake for us all?
What a gem!

You know what really cracks me up though?
Isn't it funny, here I was coughing & spluttering away, & Jamie was a little sympathetic...not greatly, but a little.
Yesterday, he was smashed by the flu, & came home really miserable, & I think, not 100%, but fairly certain, he was expecting his very own pity party!

Well..guess what?

You didn't RSVP to mine, buddy, so....theres no chance of getting your own!!!


Thursday, June 26

Dr Attitude & Crazy Dreams!

We are all down with the dreaded flu at the moment.

I actually think we have RSV, but who would know until we can see the Dr next TUESDAY!

I kid you need a crystal ball for the Drs surgery in my town!

You could gaze at the ball, & if you see yourself getting ill in the coming can book ahead & actually get in.

Frustrating. But what can you do?!?

Jake was freed of his plaster last Thursday, & we had the pleasure (not!) of dealing with a fucking asshole Dr.

Lets call him...Dr Dickhead!

At the request of a Medical Cert, (for Jake's school) this freak pretty much lost it.
He made references to "who" would pay him for wasting his time, me,.. or the school?!
My response was something along the lines of ... "considering this is a public hospital, I wont be paying for a scrap of scribble ...." which realllllly pissed him off.
(I am usually not at all rude to people, unless I have copped attitude first, for the record!)

Long story short, I have a very short fuse, & I lost it back.
For fucks sake...theres plenty of other places I'd rather be than his freaking fracture clinic at this time of the day!!

Anyway, on leaving, I requested a different Dr for next visit, & it was then that I had staff members coming up to me & asking if I was OK, & that I had every right to complain about Dr Dickhead.
And I did. (Ner ner, prickface!)

The Med-Super called me at 8.30ish pm that night, to ensure me that we wouldn't have to deal with him again.
He cracked me up, he actually said,
"I am very sorry for his behaviour. Unfortunately, in every forrest, there is a snake...& he happens to be our one"

Dr Dickheads contract is not being renewed due to many complaints of a similar nature to mine.

So...Jake has plaster off, & is slowly weight bearing & weaning off the crutches, that have been his best buddy for the past 6 weeks.

We are now attending physio, & working on regaining his strength & movement range in his ankle.

If he breaks another bone, he can move in at the hospital!!
I will cry if I have to deal with fracture clinic & school work from home etc, anytime in the near future!


Hows this!!
I dreamt that Rob Thomas was!
Standing right in front of me, talking to me & Jake..... (weird that Jake was there, but...anyway, on with it!)

I was saying all this shit to Rob, like..."Oh my god, I can't believe its you!!!"
And Jake said... "Mum...tell him what you say when you see him on TV!"
I was like, "Oh God, shuddup Jake!" in my head, with a horrified expression on my face.
Before I could say anything, Jake said..
"If we see you, Mum says, look! Theres my husband!"

And, Rob, (because he would love me so much if he met me in real life) was not even remotely freaked out at that.
In fact...he looked as though he was realllllly in love with me. was my dream, 'kay?!

Speaking of dreams...I had a cracker of one when I was pregnant with Jayden, that Shannon Noll came to our house.
He had a campervan & was travelling with his Mrs & kids, but called in to see us on the way, (of course!)
He parked the camper, & left the Mrs (what IS her name??) & boys in there while he came & had a cuppa with us.....

Now, that one's a bit weird...I don't even really like him that much!


Friday, June 20

Home Alone...

Holy cow....we have the house to ourselves, for tonight, at least!

Jake has gone back to Brisbane with my sister for the w/e, & Ty was invited by her friend to stay over at her house for the night.

Jayden had not slept all day; and a shower, PJ's & some dinner in his tummy settled that!
He is now snoring his little head off.

My husband..... *shakes head* .... has gone to get us some dinner & apparently, we're "on" tonight, so I have been told...


Oooooooh...what was that?

Yeah, laughing it WAS- just like the prick's been doing to me for the past 2 days every time I make mention of my aching body!!

Revenge is sweeeeeeet!

But, if he brings home chocolate...

he's on!


It Hurts... body, that is.
It hurts all over. Really bad.

And today is even worse than yesterday was.

Seriously, I am walking like a freaking robot...all square & stiff.
Sitting on the loo brings tears to my eyes, & I cannot lift my arms to get a shirt on or off.

My husband thinks it is hilarious.

I am going to kill him if he laughs at me one more freaking time!

Last time I work out; its dangerous shit!!


Wednesday, June 18

Stealing Games!

So...I stole a game from Vanilla's blog... (love that blog!)

It looked sooo pretty....I had to have a go!

Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.

Using only the first page, pick an image.

Copy and paste your chosen URLs into the Mosaic Maker and make a lovely mosaic to put on your blog or flickr.

Please feel free to change the questions if they don't quite work for you!

The questions:

1. Your middle name?

2. Your favourite book?

3. Hair colour?

4. Actor/actress you'd cast to play yourself in a movie? (Be generous! Can also be personality/mannerisms as opposed to looks.)

5. Favourite poet/author?

6. If you could live anywhere?

7. Favourite movie?

8. Favourite season

9. Actor/actress you'd cast to play your partner in a movie (Be kind! Hee hee!)

10. Eye colour?

11. Favourite music? (You define it. Eg by style, song or artist)

12. Favourite smell

And these are a few of MY favourite things...

1.Kylie Minogue, 2.Charlottes Web, 3.Blondish, 4.Drew Barrymore, 5. James Patterson, 6.Little Island, 7. Riding in Cars with Boys, 8. Summer, 9.Rob Thomas, 10. Witch hazel, 11. Boppers! 12. Red Door

Mines actually not all that pretty....but, I loike it!


A Ramble!

Since Jake has had a broken leg, his brother & sister have been making sure they torture him with the fact that they are able to get on their skateboards...but he can't!

He is okay though...pretty happy right now...he gets his cast removed tomorrow!!
(Oooooh, I am happy too!)

Since he has been on crutches, he has been a hazard, I tell you!
We have tiles throughout the house, & I don't even know how many times the boy has taken a tumble.

Lucky he's rough & tough, eh!

Kitchen cupboards, not so rough & tough.....
Our corner cupboard handle got stuck on his pocket while he was hopping about.
When he went to hop back...he ripped the whole cupboard off its hinges!

That was a fix-it moment for his Dad!

Lets hope the boy can make it through the rest of his teenage years without breaking another bone!!!


Wednesday, June 11

Jake's Photography

The last few days, Jake has been snap-happy with the camera.
He asked us to pose for this one yesterday morning....I actually think its an "ok" pic of me!
Perhaps I should let him take them all from now on!!

I think I know just what to get him for Christmas this year!!


Run Amok at Grandma's!

Listening to the local radio station yesterday, where dog owners were relaying tales of mischief, that their pooches had indulged in at some stage of their adorable puppy lives.

I was reminded of an (well, 2, to be precise!) incidents where our dogs had trashed our Mums house!

At this time, I was living a fair way from Mums, but my sister lived in between us both.

Occasionally, we would decide to meet up at Mums, & go out for the day.

Only problem was, I couldn't stand the thought of my puppy, Jackson, a border collie cross, being left on his own for too long!

So, I would call mum & ask could I bring him over for the day.

She always replied with a sigh, & "Oh, yes, this is THE last time, Tina!!" to which I would put on my puppy-voice & say, "Oooooh Jacko, its ok...Nan really does love you, baby..." would always get a smile on Mums face & she'd roll her eyes as if to say, "I dunno why I even say the last time stuff! There's no way she will listen to me!"

And my sister would bring her staffy, aptly named Syco. (Her boyfriend was a shit speller)

Syco & Jacko were the best of puppy-cousins. Played well together for such different breeds of dogs!

Anyway...this one day...really was THE last time.

Mum actually decided to come out with us, so we locked the dogs together in her laundry.

Our brother had come home in the meantime, & let them out, but when he left the house again, he locked them inside Mums house.

Biiiiiig mistake.

Mum left for home before us, & upon her arriving, we received a call from her...

It was pretty hard to understand her...she was fuming & utilising some very colourful language!

We did make out, from the conversation, "Get your asses here NOW!"

Oooops...didn't sound too good....

I really wish we never entered that house!

The moment we stepped inside...the evidence of the puppies misbehaviour was like a smack square in the face!

There was washing powder evrywhere, from the bag they had dragged or perhaps had a game of tug o' war with!

Clothes were strewn & chewed all over the place.

Lounge cushions were upturned, plants eaten & toppled over!

My brother, who was 16 at the time, was busted by the dogs, when they had managed to find his stash of porn magazines & decide to have a chew!

We spent a late night cleaning, & by the end of it, Mum was at least looking at us again when answering our questions with a one worded reply!
To say she was annoyed would be an understatement!

But wait...there's more!
I kid you not.....

Another incident occured when we were living in Auchenflower, in Bris city.
My brother had "adopted" Jackson, my puppy, when we had moved there & couldn't take him, as we didn't have a good yard for him.
(Can't believe Mum had played down the last incident enough in her mind, to allow my brother to take him!...then again...I may have just cried & pleaded...who knows!)

So, my sis turns up one day to go shopping.
Although, she had to bring her boyfriends "baby"...Syco, as he was not allowed to be left at home alone....(after chewing 3 mobile phones & their flatmates washing, I see why!)

But...we are then faced with a "what the hell are we going to do with him!" moment.

We figure, that hey, we are only going to be gone an hour...we can lock him on the front porch, which was enclosed, & had another door that led into the house.
Syco is just there in the middle. Fresh air & food & water left with him.

What could go wrong?


So, here we are, pulling up out front, unloading my kids from the car along with groceries, when I realise I can't see Syco where we left him....

*insert twilight zone type music*

To this day, we are friggin' clueless as to how the hell this dog got through a locked door.
But he did.
And, fuck me, did he have a party!

Not even our goldfish was safe from him!
He had jumped onto my dresser drawers, where my fish had been minding his own beeswax, swimming round & round in his bowl, & tried to get at him.
This I know, because there was water everywhere. It was a miracle the poor fish didn't die from fright.
(Do fish even get frightened?? Im sure the ones who live with me do!)

I had perfumed body lotion tubes, chewed through. Perfume knocked from the bench & smashed.

My little boys first gift in the hospital, from visitors, a baby Donald Duck, had his ass chewed out, literally.

My sister & I just didn't know what to do.
We looked at each other & just laughed hysterically. I ended up actually crying though, as I would glance around & see more of the damages left behind by Syco.

And, 2 days later, when I was sitting down on the couch, I felt something under my butt.
It was a potato.
With doggie-mouth sized chunks taken out of it...under my cushion on my couch!

And that...was the last time Syco ever came to stay by himself, unsupervised!


Monday, June 9

So 'tute'

My little boy cracks me up!

He really is a character.

Some of his "things" at the moment, are:

The ever popular, "Don't yell at me, Mum!" would probably be a fav statement of his, definately the most used.
(For the record, I don't even raise my voice at him!)

He seems to think he is not a little one, whenever we pass other babies/toddlers.
He says "Awww look Mum, bebe" (thats exactly how he pronounces it... beb-eeee)
When I have acknowledge that yes, he has spotted a "bebeee"... he says,

"Tute bebeeee mum"

It is so bloody gorgeous, I tell you.

He is also severely attached to me at the moment, & as much as I love being soooo takes its toll.

Jamie can't do anything for him..."Mum do it" is the response if he attempts to!
Its starting to bug Jamie though, I think.

Sure, at first, I bet he was gleefully punching the air, when Jayden outright refused to let him change him, or get him a drink or do absolutely anything for him.

But now, he's a tad over it, I think.

I keep insisting that he shouldn't speak so soon.....maybe the shoe will change foot, & I won't be able to do anything for my baby...I mean, my big boy.

(I am dealing with the fact that he will turn 3 next month! Three!!!)



I don't think I have a great deal of people reading my blog.
But thats ok.
It's mainly for me to read back on, & to share pics of the kids with family.
I have added a map thingy anyway, which will show where my readers are loacted.
(Thats if I have enough readers for the map to update...ha!)
So, please, if you do happen to read my blog...please, please leave a I know you're there!


Saturday, June 7


I finally loaded some pics from my camera, & found this great one of Jake.

It was taken a few w/e before Mothers Day.

This I know, because he is in the pool, (& right at this moment, he is unable to go in the pool, with his broken leg!)

We get alot of little green frogs visiting our swimming pool, & Jake, being Jake, has to "rescue" them.

He has such a soft nature, for such a boofhead of a boy.
Not too fond of the little suckers. (frogs, that is!)
I remember staying over at my Grandma's house.
My Grandparents had a really old house.
My Pop built it himself, to house Nan, him & their 13 children.
I was taken home to that house, as were many of my cousins, when leaving hospital.
Well...way off track there.
I would get up to go to the bathroom, & there would be these huge fat green frogs in the bathroom, that had entered from the open window.
Could count on it that I would always just about stand on one, which would have me shitting myself, & making a mad run for it back to bed.
I would always try & get my sister to come with me, but, man, she could sleep through anything!
Last night, while in our bathroom, I turned to see this teenie frog, with its scrawny little slippery body pressed against our window.
They still give me the heebie jeebies!