Thursday, July 31


Wasn't sure about the rules of using swear words in titles on theres a new descriptive word for moi.

Last time I posted, I somehow managed to send my Published post to Drafts, after I re-viewed it....

I lost my MySpace password for a bit there today...couldn't accept friend brain-fucking that was...trying to guess it just frazzled me & made me lose other passwords... (all of these I store in my head, of course!)

Then...finally remembered it, get into my stuff, (haven't logged on since December!) am browsing through my friends list, when I spot Tom.

Am back to remembering when I first joined MySpace & Tom appeared on my list...I was like, "Who the fuck is this Tom dude?" & wanted to delete him, but felt bad, thinking he was my "first" friend!!!
... felt like a right royal knobjockey when I found out he's on everyone's list!

Tuesday, July 29


I am completely ashamed of myself, & the outburst of horrible things I said to my husband earlier.
I deeply hurt him.
I can be such a nasty bitch, when I am angry with him.

After a horrid morning, (he was home) with Jake, (who is just totally NOT a morning person, & continues to pull all sorts of shit,) due to having an attitude problem the minute he opens his eyes....all because he has to get out of bed for school.

He wouldn't have breakfast...he wouldn't take a jumper, (freezing day, mind you) & when asked repeatedly did he have everything he required for his day, he kept snarling "Yes" & was ready to be driven to the bus stop.

Jamie dropped him there, & when he got back, I noticed $ sitting on the kitchen table, & automatically assumed Jake had left it.

Off I raced, back to beat the bus to drop him off his lunch $ (oh, thats another gripe...he refuses to eat at school, unless he buys it.
Seriously, I am ok with long as he bloody eats something, I don't mind...well, I do, but, you get me, don't ya?!)

Get to the bus stop...Jake's like, "Errrr,...I've got my $" & showed me that he did...
Oh bad!

Told him I loved him, & went back home. ( I can't stand the thought of him going to school shitty at us...even if it is his own attitude problem, & not us!)
In response to that, I got a "Mmmm" & a
(To my own mother, I am soooo sooo sorry...this kid of mine is half as bad as I was....I feel for my mum, & all the shit I put her through now!)

Decided together, (Jamie & I) that enoughs enough.
For the next week, he has lost all computer privilleges (Ouch!) as well as not having his mate over this w/e, which he'd been really looking forward to, to punish him for the apalling behaviour of late.

We had decided, when he got home from school, to sit him down & tell him what was happening.
All good...all sorted, so I thought.

Jake gets home, w elet him have something to eat, 7 a drink, & when he was about to head out to see his mates, we asked him to sit down while we had a chat.
And downhill it went from there.

Jamie just ranted & raved at him about having attitude, & needing to pull his socks up & raa raa raa...I saw RED!

I must have had a pretty severe expression of non-agreeance to the way he was handling it, & he shut up instantly.
Jake wandered out the back to sit near the pool, & think about what had caused him to lose his privilleges.

I then took that opportunity to rip it up Jamie...bigtime.

I seriously think I need help....I get so angry, & this feeling of needing to protect my kids, (even from their Dad speaking in a tone in a certain way to them) & I truly think it stems from the way we (my siblings & I) were treated by our alcoholic, physically abusive father.

Jamie is nothing like my Dad.
He is a terrific Dad to our kids, has never raised a hand to them, yet, I can't stop myself when an incident ends up in a shitfight, with me telling him how he speaks to Jake like crap!

I don't know if it even sounds that bad, all typed out like this....but, I hate it. I need to change.

And I now have a husband who is barely speaking to me, & probably wondering what the hell he is doing here, considering I think I am doing such a wonderful job...(I don't think must seem like I think I am though, to him)

The Torture Continues

Personal training, with my brother-in-law, that is.
After a few weeks off, I got back into it this morning.
Far out, I feel muscles I didn't even know I had, compared to last time.

I did request he go a little easier on me, considering last time, I couldn't even make it to a sitting position without tears, & a heck of a lot of pain. (Oh, & ok, some assistance to get out of a chair/bed/car!)

Between you & me....I like it.
I love that burning feeling that tells you have really worked out.

This bit of information, I will never pass on to my Torturer though...he would ensure I really hurt, next time.

Monday, July 28

Appetite is back

After throwing up at the thought of food all day yesterday, (Oh, I lie...I had a pancake smothered in maple syrup before I went to bed!) my appetite is back with a vengeance!

I am so bloody starving, no matter the amount I eat!
Been pigging out all day, & now have crunchy coated chicken drumsticks in the oven, torturing me!!

(Actually, I got the idea to crunchy coat them, while I was eating cornflakes...see, I was eating & still thinking about food! Terrible!)

I also think I have glass sprain...ever heard of it???

I actually made it up...but it is a condition that causes a sprain-like feeling in your hand. Around the thumb & index finger....the result of stretching your hand to hold one of those huge mother cocktail glasses!

Girls Night Out.

Ewww, just typing those words brings back the queasy feeling to the pit of my stomach.

What a frickin' night!
It was bloody awesome.
To be with a group of girls, I really enjoy the company of, & to let our hair down, (excuse the pun...I don't have alot of hair, remember...yes, yes, still slightly bitter about that incident!) was just what I needed.

My sister-in-law turned 24 on Friday, so it was for that occassion we were celebrating.
There were 5 of us all up. My dear friend Sarah, (my boob-job partner!) my sister-in-law Tanya, my sister Danielle, and my brother-in-law's girlfriend, Felicity.

The first drink of the night was Sambucca (SP?) shots...followed by..... beer...(YUK! That was Tanya's drink order...we all took in turns of ordering something which the rest of the group had to also drink...yep...great idea!)

Next up...Sarah ordered a Pink Panther cocktail. Divine! Rocked our socks off!
Don't know who the fuck ordered next, but we were onto Yaegerbombs (once agian, I have no idea of the spelling!) followed by more pink Panthers, & a few more Yaegerbombs which totally wrecked the lot of us!
Numerous shots of something-or-rather, & we were gone, I tell ya!

We were mingling with everyone, & met some bloody funny people.
I remember meeting a girl on her hens night...she was 21, & getting married in 14 weeks...the night out was their practise run of hen's night! PMSL...

A group of 19 yr old guys, (one was smitten with my sister!) and kept coming back & sitting with us. Cracking us up with their interpretations of what "young chicks" really mean when they say one thing or another.

We ended up with a few undesirable attentions of some losers, who we chatted with, but quickly moved on from...that reminded me of everything I used to hate about going out when I was younger!

All in all though, we really had a ball!
Danced a bit, laughed like crazy & thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
I haven't stayed at a place until it closed since I was about 21! LOL.

I stayed at my dad-in-law & step-mum-in-laws that night, which felt a bit weird, without Jamie & the kids there too!

We got home around 3am, shattered.
Had a restless sleep; kept waking feeling dehydrated, but was too fucked to try & get up to get water.
I smelt like a brewery, which was making me feel worse everytime I breathed in my own stinkin' drunken breath!

Got up to drive the porcelain bus a few times, (Im a good driver too!) & thought that was the end of it.
My mum-in-law made me a cuppa, which I should have known, from previous experiences, that it just doesn't go down well!
Few more chucks after that.

THEN....My brother-in-law, (the sweetheart, considering we woke him @ 3am talking shit & kept him up, until Felicity had a chuck which required his assistance to shower her afterwards!) was looking after the pair of us!
He made me a black tea, to help with the queasiness, (it didn't, but we were at the stage of trying anything...I had to take an hrs drive in the car home yet! LOL)
Then he cooked bacon & eggs....that totally screwed me.

The lingering smells of fried & fatty foods...uuuugghhh!
Made it home, (with a bucket between my legs in the backseat of Tanyas car) where I was greeted by my littlest man, saying over & over again, "Mum...I missed you!" while clinging to my neck.
And Jamie, who looked at me & pissed himself laughing.
And continued to do so for the rest of the afternoon.

My mobile went flat, & I couldn't be assed finding the charger til this morning.
I turned it on, & received a message from Sarah, saying, "What a wicked night! Lets do it again, like, once a month!"

Holy what my liver said in response to that.

Better go & continue my search for Nurofen. Bloody headache won't bugger off!

Saturday, July 26

Look at me! Look at me!

Wouldya check out this big boy of mine?!

Now 3 & has this really "big boy" look about him....

Still mum's baby though...just between you & me...LOL!

Friday, July 25

Wii Fit Women destroying their homes.

Wii Fit women 'destroying their homes'

WOMEN working out on Nintendo Wii Fit are helping to cause millions of dollars worth of damage to their homes.

In Britain alone, it has been reported that bungling fitness fiends have contributed to a $A41.5 million living room repair bill.
Flower pots, television sets and even pets have been sent flying by the high kicks and hula hoop motions of increasingly vigorous home exercise routines, Britain's Telegraph newspaper reports.

Almost 20 per cent of women polled admitted having accidents after getting carried away in the living room with fitness routines such as those on the Nintendo Wii Fit.
Many of the 1000 women polled for women-only insurer Sheila's Wheels admitted they had caused an average of $13.60 worth of damage to their homes in the last year with over-enthusiastic work-outs.
That figure equates to a national yearly bill of $41.5 million - based on the Government's estimate of the UK's female population.

The bizarre research was revealed as US researchers told how fitness-oriented video games have "great potential" for core strengthening and rehabilitation of injured athletes.

"We are looking to incorporate Wii Fit into the athletic training room as far as rehabilitation, for example, on post-operative knees and ankles," Sue Stanley-Green, a professor of athletic training at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, said.

Fitness video games that have the user perform lower-body balance and weight-shifting activities could help patients with weight-bearing rehabilitation after an injury or surgery. Fitness video games that focus on upper body movement patterns could be helpful in the rehab centre as well.
Tennis video games, for example, can be used to safely exercise the rotator cuff after injury or repair.
"Fitness-oriented video games are also being used more and more in nursing homes for rehabilitation," Ms Stanley-Green said, providing a fun way to help elderly people expand their range of motion.
One of the most difficult aspects of rehabilitation is getting patients to perform tedious, repetitive exercises.
The entertainment value inherent in video games may help boost compliance with rehabilitation and perhaps improve outcomes.

"My daughter is 12 and she has a friend who is very inactive and overweight and has some body control issues and the Wii Fit has really been a good thing for her," Ms Stanley-Green said.
"This is a child who would rather eat than anything and it's the first time I have ever seen her say, 'I'm not coming to dinner, I'm playing the Wii'.
"And anyone can play these games," according to Stanley-Green. "I am illiterate as far as video games but these are games that anyone can have success with. My daughter absolutely hates the fact that I am better at this one balance game than she is," she said

LMAO...This is an article I came across while browsing some info on the Wii fit system...thought about getting one...perhaps not!

Wednesday, July 23


OH my God, I am a nimbat.

I just typed an awesome sized entry, (not just sayin' that either!), added pics which took friggen FOREVER to load, by the way....& then, instead of clicking to return to the post when the pictures finally got their asses uploaded, I clicked close, didn't I...instead of return to post.....

So, now, you get pics alone, & have to wait for a birthday recap tomorrow!

And, at myself again.....arghhhhh, frickin'nimbat!

Birthday Bash (thank God for auto-save!)

Happy Birthday to our beautiful boy!
(and, as the title states, thank God for auto-save which is a feature of Blogger that saved the post I bitched & whined about losing, in my previous entry!)

He turned 3 yesterday, & truly had such a great time.
He got spoilt beyond belief from the whole family, & has been entertained with his birthday gifts ever since he got them!

He is a bit of a Cars fanatic,& almost everything he received was something to do with Cars.

From Aunty Kylie & Uncle Stevo, he got the most gorgeous little Yamaha racing shirt.

On Sunday night, my oldest, bestest friend Bridgett came down to stay for a few days, & as usual, it is so bloody awesome to spend time with her...(& to con her into helping make the birthday cake slipped into mind!)

Then, after speaking with my gorgeous little sister, she also decided to come down to celebrate Jaydens birthday, & have a girly time with Bridgey & I.

She brought with her some pretty wicked home-made Kahlua that rocked my socks off, I tell ya!

(Must remember to order some of that for me, Kyle's

We had a pretty late night the first night, before Jaydens birthday, & still had to assemble & decorate the cake, (which we were bright to put off til the morning, considering we were all drunk & giggly!)

Had the best time, catching up with the gorgeous girls.

The next day, we got up to a pretty excited little man, who really understood the whole concept of the birthday thing this year!

Well, we thought he did...until he started opening his presents, & was a bit puzzled looking.

We asked what was wrong & he looked at us so seriously, with a frown etched on his little face, palms upturned, & said, "Wheres the car cake?"

Ever since we had began discussing his birthday, when asked what he would like for his birthday he would say "A Car cake!"

So with that in mind, a "car cake" was definately on the agenda where cake was concerned!

Bridgey & I whipped up a pretty wicked car cake, if I do say so myself!
Jayden loved it!

It was a double sponge that we filled with jam & cream, then iced chocolate.

We made a road with milkbottle lollies chopped up as the centre lines on the road & a grassy bit to each side, which was coconut with green food colouring.

We made a traffic light with jelly lollies as the different light colours.

And jelly racecars on the road & grass!

It looked so cool!!

Jayden even blew out all the candles on his cake un assisted this year! He really is a big boy!

(He actually enjoyed that part so much that he insisted we light them again for a second go!)

Thanks Sal!

What an awesome surprise I got when I logged in & saw my blog yesterday!
Thanks so much Sal!
It is gorgeous!!
Huuuge thanks also for the surprise I got when I logged in to blog tonight & saw my signature at the bottom, (also created by the gorgeous Sally!)

I really can't thank you enough, & I hope it didn't take up too much of your time.
Lotsa luv,

(squeals cause I don't have to sign off & it looks awesome!!)

Saturday, July 19

Some pics..

Considering the gorgeous boy of ours is turning 3 on Tuesday, I thought I'd pop in some shots of him, while he is still...two...LOL

"Plant one on these!!"

"This is my Bob gear! I can fix anything in this!"


"Wish they'd hurry up with my lunch...I'm getting sleepy!"

I look at these pictures of him, & they instantly make me smile. He is so loving, & sooooo cute...I could eat him up!!!


Biggest Kid of them all!

My husband; the King of Kids...has really outdone himself this time!

Last week, Jake had his mate stay over, & while they were in his room, playing PS games, after dinner, Jamie came to me, giggling like a schoolgirl, saying he was going to scare the boys.

I rolled my eyes, as I obviously know my husband too well, & I just knew it was not gonna end well!

And, right, I was....

So, 5 seconds later, he comes back to me...all dressed in black, & with a beanie on his noggin.
I rolled my eyes & continued my telephone conversation with my friend.

The boys, in Jakes room, were totally unaware that he was up to anything. (So we thought!)
, just envision the following scenario....

Jamie, all dressed in black, outside the bedroom window, creeping down, while trying to crawl directly under the window ledge, so he could jump up & do the whole : "Arrrgh!" with his face pressed against the screen, to scare the pants off the boys.

However, the boys were one up on him....

As Jamie rose to his feet, the boys were already pressing their faces aginst the screen, & squealed/screamed (thing that they did) at him!
Jamie fell backwards, in fright, & fell over the table next to the pool stuff box thing,(I have gone blank!!!) near Jakes window.

The kids were pissing themselves laughing, & I was laughing at them laughing!
Next minute, Jamie hobbles in, barely able to speak from being winded when his chest landed across the wooden table.
I rolled my eyes & told my friend I had to go...she could hear the commotion!

Two days later, he is still sore & can't sleep in the bed, he has to recline in the couch & sleep there!

And a week later....I finally persuaded him to get his butt to the Emergency department, (as I had to take Jake to physio there anyway) where it is discovered from X-rays, that he has broken & cracked ribs!
Now we have to watch that it doesn't turn into a lung infection...if he's not better by Wednesday, back to Emergency he goes. I feel so bad for making him bring in the washing everyday.
Bloody big kid.


Thursday, July 17

For Kylie

I know you are hanging out to hear the story about the old biddy near the park.

Will briefly fill you in...

The kids all get together with others in the neighbourhood, to meet up in the park across from our house, to play footy.
(Boy, girls of both kids ages join in, as well as Dillon & his mates)

Anyhoo...they were always coming home, complaining about this old lady who threatens o keep their balls (footballs!!) if they land in her yard by accident.

The kids usually ignored her, so they said, but I am envisioning the odd mouthful of cheek, slung her way, I mean...these kids are almost teenagers!
Not saying it's right, but, hey...we were all kids once & I haven't forgotten how I hated to be told off especially when I wasn't in the wrong!!

Anyway, this one time (at bandcamp...ha! Just popped into my head!) we (Jamie & I ) went with them to cook up a BBQ for lunch, for after the crew of kids had finished their footy game.

Well, the old biddy started on them didn't she!
I heard her say, "If that ball lands in my yard I am keeping it!"
She didn't see us adults there, (well, granted, I am the size of your average 10 yr old, & her eyesight would be getting on!)
I piped up & said,
"Errr, actually, that is theft...keeping something that does not belong to you"

The fucking old bat, didn't miss a beat.
She snapped, "I dont care! They shouldn't be playing here!!!"
(Local park, hello??? Where should they play? On the road??)

She ranted & raved for a bit, about them, & I had had enough!
For fucks sake, these poor kids were not harming anyone or anything.
They just wanted to run around & have fun together.

Jamie listened to her ramble, (I had to walk away, I was fuming & felt like letting out obscenities, but hey...there were too many kids in earshot for that!) but he made it clear that if she didn't like kids playing there, perhaps she should have considered that when buying her duplex which was built after the park was!

When I get old, I swear, I will not be a miserable old bat!
I swear!!!

There was heaps more to the story, but it just sounds silly all typed out, so I will re-enact it for you when I see you, Kyle's!! haha)


Tuesday, July 15

Joe Dirt

Have you seen the movie, Joe Dirt with David Spade in it?

Well, that was me...after a trip to the hairdressers on Saturday.
I could have passed as his twin, & thank God for my boob job, or there'd be trouble workin' out who was the female twin!

I am not joking, or even slightly exaggerating.

I went in, with a picture on hand, of exactly the style that I wanted, & came out looking like I have a fucking mullet!!
(Which was no resemblance to the picture I took in, either.)
I had been so relaxed after the head massage stage, with the shampoo, (& this I say is deliberate that they do this!) that I looked up, & reeled in shock when I saw just how short the hairdresser had cut, into the side of my hair.

I also had a fringe...thing...that I had specifically requested not wanting at all.
I pretty much had the attention of everyone in the salon, when I voiced my opinion of what she had done.

The lady who had been cutting, stepped back & looked at me very seriously, then said,
"I'm going to get someone else to cut your hair" in a tone, as though she was trying to pass me off as being a difficult customer.
(If that was her impression of difficult...ha! She aint seen nothin' yet!)

The owner of the salon came over & assessed the damage, & called in another girl, who really is a great cutter, to try & fix it, but, it really looked shit.
I just wanted to get the hell out of there, & go somewhere to cry.

I'm pretty sure they realised it was pretty fucked up, because a few of the staff made really fake compliments, like, "Wow! The colour is fantastic" & all I could do was half heartedly nod, (no way was I going to cry there!)
Yep...& yellow is just the colour this year!
Thats how brassy the foils were.

Ended up getting out of there, & called Jamie,to find out where he was, (as he & Jayden had left when I went in to get hair done)
Got to the carpark, as my poor husband returned to pick me up, ( they had gone to another shop further down the road while waiting for me) & the poor bugger was met with me trying to talk but just crying..
"I hate my hair! Look at it! Blah blah blah..." don't even recall what the hell I was saying.
He seriously didn't know what to do...poor bugger.

I knew I probably should have gone back, & said I really hated it, but I didn't even want them to touch it again.

Only now can I laugh though, I seriously have never cried from a haircut before.
I have had times where I've kinda gone, "Hmmmm, I don't really like it" you know? ... but never, have I felt the way I did this time.

But now it's fixed, (almost, totally!) & I'm all happy again...(Thank God! I hear my husband say??? haha)
Still am working on the colour & will go back tomorrow or Friday, to have it done....then, I will be a happy little vegemite!

The salon I went to to fix it, has actually done numerous fixits on clients of the other place, but reckons they had not seen anyones hair in as bad a state as mine was.
They recommended that I take it to the Dept of Fair Trading, & are going to give me invoices to back it all up.
And bloody oath, I will.
The lady should not be cutting hair....we'd all get around lookin' like Joe Dirts!



Transferring some old home movies onto the harddrive of our DVD recorder, was not a good idea.

Apart from them making me all teary, at the sight of my last born, all tiny & cute, they made me incredibly bloody clucky, to have a baby again.

(Only for about 5 seconds though, then came a scene where he was screaming his little lungs out, because he suddenly needed a feed, while Dad was holding him & I was filming!)

Can't believe that, this time next week...he will be 3!!

Three years of our hearts being invaded, & overflowing with such love, for this little rascal.

You know, you'd think having older children would prepare you, I mean, I know they age every year & stuff, but...... it is always such a ..."How the hell did time go so fast!!!" kinda reaction, to each birthday.
(My own included! SOB!)

P.S- I will insert that entry about the old bitty...I am just waaaay bitter to write about her right now! LOL

Little Tyke!

We were sent links, to vote for a few of our friends kids, who have been entered into an online competition, for Little Tykes, you know, the kids toy brand??

When I was looking through the pics, I decided (just like all the other proud mums who entered their little ones) my boy definately stands out from the rest! (Dontcha agree? Yes, I knew you would!)

He definately is a little tyke, & , cute is he, what a face to represent the company, if he was a winner!!

So, darling-ist readers of mine (*suck suck!*)....why dont you head on over & submit a vote for him!!

(Kylie, (my sister), you better have already!)

I reckon I will be back later...(I have been meaning to add an entry about this old biddy who gives the boys crap when they are playing footy in the park!)

So, either steer clear, if you don't want to hear it....or else, check back later, (but not without a coffee, & maybe some's long will need it!!)


Tuesday, July 8

Sooky Lala my boy!

This mornings performance, when he saw his father pick up his bag, to prepare it for his day at family daycare, was seriously worthy of an Academy Award.

He snatched the bag from his dads hand, & pelted it as far as he could...(it landed at his feet!)
hid his pillow behind the big couch, & unpacked his lunch, as quick as I packed it!
Then the sad little face erupted in tears!
He was sobbing his heart out, hugging me as tight as he could.

I reassured him that he could stay with Mummy, & he was a little better, but not quite believing, until we put away his things together.

Then, the little bugger passed his Dad the phone & said... "Tell Lisa!"
Dad had to call his carer, while he was superglued to my neck, & only then, would he let me out of the 5cm radius of his sights that I was caught in.

I don't mind...for me its not the issue of paying for care when Im not using it.
I just could not send my kids to something they didn't want to do (hey, big school doesn't count!)

So, for now, he is taking a break....& we will try to re-introduce him to separating from me, as painlessly as possible, soon.


Sunday, July 6

What a Difference a Good Sleep makes..

...not that I would know, because my bloody toddler has reverted to his newborn sleeping habits.
Thinks he needs to wake every 4 hours...for a bottle of warm milk, or a drink of water..or, heck, I dunno....just cause he can!!

It does not help my fragile, crazy mind, that he also insists that "Mum do it" and refuses to have a barr of his father assist with anything from a nappy change, to a drink!!

So, Jamie, at 2am in the morning, when I am half stumbling from our bed to get to Jayden before he winds up hysterical, is probably not the best time for you to whinge that you are tired, and that "are over this shit"
Because, seriously, it's not my fault if I smack you over the effin' head with the lampshade by our bed.

Back at work this morning, (after having a week off with battling the disgusting flu we have been struck down with) we were flat out!

Ooooh, good time to mention that my parents-in-law also won local business award for the Best Restaurant (they won the small restaurant section, with a staff of under 10 people)
They work really hard & are totally deserving of such an award.
So...go Cottage on rock!
(Except I hate the place when I have to show up @ 8am Sunday mornings!)


Saturday, July 5

Faaaaarkin' hell.

Not even through the first day of the weekend, let alone the beginning of the holidays, & I want to tear my fucking hair out.

Not due to the kids, they're awesome, (well, alot could be said for this shit Jayden has going on with his requests that "Mum do it!" for everything!!)

Bloody husband of mine needs a slap up the forehead really bad!

Ahhh ... there's always my Vodka, to help get me through!


Thursday, July 3

Random ramble...

Far out, feels like we just went back to school after the last holidays, but we go again!
Tomorrow is Jakes last day...he is looking forward to having a break, he says.
(Nevermind that he has had the equivalent amount of time off already, during the duration of the broken leg saga!)
Tylah is keen to go til Friday, as her grade is walking down to the creek at Hastings Point, to have a bbq lunch as their end of term treat.
Jayden has been off FDC ever since becoming sick, & I am thinking he will be a nightmare to go back after his break!
I think if that happens, I will give notice with his carer, & keep him with me.

The bigger kids were going to go to Brisbane to spend a week with FIL & MIL, but, they fucked up with the differences between NSW & QLD holidays, and they won't even be here...they'll be in Phuket, the lucky buggers!

Jamie's sister called last night, & she wants them next w/, she can have 'em! LOL!
We will take them up next week, on Friday.
Will be nice, as my mum arrives on Thursday, for a weeks holiday!
We will have a few days on our own, just with Jayden here. I am really looking forward to spending time with my Mum.
I miss her so so much.

As soon as I am over this flu, I need to go visit my Nan, & redeem myself, cause, right now, I am the worlds worst Granddaughter.
I live so close to her, & hardly visit.
Not good! Kick my own ass for it, I will.

Starting to get the excitement again for Family Daycare, after having an interview yesterday, & safety inspection, (just need to modify a few little things)
Have a few carers who are leaving, to call, regarding purchasing some of their equiptment for my business!

I am so stuck on a business name though.
Can't think of anything, for the life of me, so I would love to hear any suggestions!!!!
