Tuesday, November 4

He's fighting!

My last post was pretty emotional...I was pretty emotional, throughout the whole of last week.

We were on on the edge of our seats everytime the home phone or my mobile rang.

Dreading "that call"...

When I finished work on Sunday, I went straight to Bris for visiting time, where I found my stepdad, not too good.
He had been fairly responsive the day prior, talking to my sisters & mum. I kind of expected the same...but he was really exhausted.

He woke after a while, & had a bit of a chat. He is pretty confused still, & his brain, I guess would be trying to process what the hell happened to it!!

So, we went from being warned that he would only last 48 hours, (& apparently that was stretching it...the type of bleed he had, usually only 2% of people survive...the other 98% will die within 24 hours!), a 61 yr old dude who is obviously so not ready to be done here on this earth!

Arrangements are coming to place to move hospitals & begin a fast-track rehabilitation program.
As you can imagine, everyone is feeling more at ease!

He will have good & bad days, & a kind of rollercoaster ride to recovery...but, he fought this hard to stay alive.....he can do it!

Thanks so much to my wonderful friends, & my baby sister, (man, have we had some phone chats in the past week!) your support & love throughout the past week, really kept me going when I felt so down.

Saturday, November 1

You just never know.

....what this little thing called life has in store, huh.

On Tuesday morning, my Mum called to inform me that my stepdad (Denis) had suffered a stroke, with bleeding on his brain, & blood pressure that was unable to be stabilised.

Denis has suffered health scares before, but, he is as strong as an Ox....he is never down for long, & lives his life so fast & hard, you would be shocked to be told he was in his 60's!
I was, when Mum told me how old he was!!

My Mum & Denis got together when I was 13 years old.
I loved him in the beginning...then once I realised they had something happening...OMG, did I give him grief!!
My real dad is a bit of a .....situation.

I am the only one of 5 kids who has anything to do with him.
Denis took us 5 on as his own, & formed a particularly close bond with my brothers & baby sister...(he is the only Dad she has ever known)

The past 4 days have been filled with indescribable sadness....& ... regrets....I regret so so much, not telling him how much he meant to me.

I treated him so coldly, at times, & all he ever did was love me, & want to be there for us, & our Mum.

You know, I still kind of expect that he will pull through this.

His days are a mix of good & bad.
Yesterday, he told mum that he loved her so much, & that she is beautiful, which brought a huge happiness to her heart....the day prior, he was asking who she was...

Mum told him for me that I loved him,( when I couldn't make it back to visit)...& he said, "I know"....

So, for now, he is out of ICU, as there's nothing more that they can do for him.
It has been explained that they will continue to feed him intravenously, & do what they can, but, if his heart stops, they won't revive him.
They think that his organs will start to fail....& here I sit uncontrollably sobbing at the thought that we will never see him as we knew him again....

All we can do is pray, & thats something I kinda gave up on there for a while, but I tell you, I am praying with all my might....miracles happen....lets hope for harm in hoping, huh?