Tuesday, July 15

Joe Dirt

Have you seen the movie, Joe Dirt with David Spade in it?

Well, that was me...after a trip to the hairdressers on Saturday.
I could have passed as his twin, & thank God for my boob job, or there'd be trouble workin' out who was the female twin!

I am not joking, or even slightly exaggerating.

I went in, with a picture on hand, of exactly the style that I wanted, & came out looking like I have a fucking mullet!!
(Which was no resemblance to the picture I took in, either.)
I had been so relaxed after the head massage stage, with the shampoo, (& this I say is deliberate that they do this!) that I looked up, & reeled in shock when I saw just how short the hairdresser had cut, into the side of my hair.

I also had a fringe...thing...that I had specifically requested not wanting at all.
I pretty much had the attention of everyone in the salon, when I voiced my opinion of what she had done.

The lady who had been cutting, stepped back & looked at me very seriously, then said,
"I'm going to get someone else to cut your hair" in a tone, as though she was trying to pass me off as being a difficult customer.
(If that was her impression of difficult...ha! She aint seen nothin' yet!)

The owner of the salon came over & assessed the damage, & called in another girl, who really is a great cutter, to try & fix it, but, it really looked shit.
I just wanted to get the hell out of there, & go somewhere to cry.

I'm pretty sure they realised it was pretty fucked up, because a few of the staff made really fake compliments, like, "Wow! The colour is fantastic" & all I could do was half heartedly nod, (no way was I going to cry there!)
Yep...& yellow is just the colour this year!
Thats how brassy the foils were.

Ended up getting out of there, & called Jamie,to find out where he was, (as he & Jayden had left when I went in to get hair done)
Got to the carpark, as my poor husband returned to pick me up, ( they had gone to another shop further down the road while waiting for me) & the poor bugger was met with me trying to talk but just crying..
"I hate my hair! Look at it! Blah blah blah..." don't even recall what the hell I was saying.
He seriously didn't know what to do...poor bugger.

I knew I probably should have gone back, & said I really hated it, but I didn't even want them to touch it again.

Only now can I laugh though, I seriously have never cried from a haircut before.
I have had times where I've kinda gone, "Hmmmm, I don't really like it" you know? ... but never, have I felt the way I did this time.

But now it's fixed, (almost, totally!) & I'm all happy again...(Thank God! I hear my husband say??? haha)
Still am working on the colour & will go back tomorrow or Friday, to have it done....then, I will be a happy little vegemite!

The salon I went to to fix it, has actually done numerous fixits on clients of the other place, but reckons they had not seen anyones hair in as bad a state as mine was.
They recommended that I take it to the Dept of Fair Trading, & are going to give me invoices to back it all up.
And bloody oath, I will.
The lady should not be cutting hair....we'd all get around lookin' like Joe Dirts!



Sally said...

Hey Tina,

Sorry about the delay in getting your blog together.

What are your fave colours? Do you like anything in particular? Butterflies? Arachnids? Love hearts? Anything like that?

Can you email me your log in details, or if you don't want to do that, I will set up another account and do it all on there.

I hope your hair is OK now, not too bad. What a shit hairdresser! I had a friend once who had lovely long hair, and the hairdresser chopped it all off. Some hairdressers should not be hairdressing!


Tina said...

I know Sal!
I wanted to kill the chick...
Taking to Dept of Fair Trading, at requet of fix-it hairdresser!!!
Let u know how it goes :)
No worries re: blog, take your time...did you get the email with my login details?