Tuesday, May 27

Gettin' Fit!

Yesterday, Tylah came to me with the suggestion of us starting to go running, in the mornings, before she heads to school.

After a fair amount of ribbing from Jamie, (he was convinced there was no way in this lifetime would he see his daughter emerge from the comfort of her over-sized feather doona at any time before 7am!) she was easily roused from her sleep.

I had a quick coffee, (it should be an IV set-up, for times like these!) & by the time I was finished, Ty had come out dressed & ready to go!

We decided just a short run, being our first time in a while, & we were able to leave Jayden here while we went, as Jamie hadn't yet left for work.

As we got down the road, Tylah looked at me & said, "Mum, I had soooo much trouble getting up...but I knew if I didn't, Dad would never let us live it down"

On a serious note though, I am a little concerned about Tylah & her sudden need to get fit.
She is not quite 12 years old, & has suddenly developed a very strict eating routine.

"Nothing fatty", she says, as she is watching me pack her lunch...

"Only water!"...she requests, as I am filling her drink bottle.

She also then has to do a final approval before it is zipped away & put in her school bag.

We are aware of it, & have together decided to watch her like a hawk (without being obvious, of course! LOL)
I spoke to one of her friends Mums, who has also noticed that her daughter is doing the same.
Luckily, she is a teacher at the school, & has said she will keep an eye on them & listen out for anything that may be going on in the playground.

And, in the meantime....I can bake up a storm to tempt her tastebuds back!

If only...I could move my aching ass from this chair.....did you even know your ass could ache????


Monday, May 26

I don't like Mondays.. (usually)

...tell you why.....

1. It means the weekend is finished

2. It means...Jake wakes in foul mood.

3. It means I develop defense mode, after Jake wakes in foul mood.

4. At some stage on Monday morning, I am bound for a mini melt-down, (usually between the time Jake wakes & leaves)

5. I spend the next half of the day feeling guilty for losing it at eldest born son, who, by the way, is waaaay mean when he wants to be!! *sob!*

But today.....!!!!

We were both in a good mood!

He, (probably because he was overjoyed at the prospect of conversing with someone other than me!) was up and ready for school without the need to half drag him from the warmth of his bed to ensure he gets moving!

And me...maybe because, I have quit my job & am sleeping a tad more like the normal people do!??

I love being a SAHM again.

I don't want to go back to work again. Ever.

*Rolls eyes* Well...can dream, can't I?

Monday, May 19

"New Plaster" Day.....

This morning re-inforced to me, how...I don't do early mornings very well!

It was Fracture Clinic morning. *GROAN*

That means, you have to present to the Outpatients Dept of the hospital right on 7am, and its first in, first served process. *GROAN AGAIN!*

This week, I was a bit more switched on, & we got up earlier so that we could park directly in front, saving Jake the hobbling trip up the pathway on his crutches...(well, ok, I'll admit...he takes so freakin' long, which is really why I dropped him there!)

We were about the 5th in line. *YES!*

Only to get to the counter & discover the Dr we saw last week had actually failed to make Jake a new appointment, when he had told us to come back today.
*Insert really foul language right about here*

Considering I had Jayden with us...this was not good news.
The maniac almost 3 year old, was starting to lose patience fast...& we'd only been inside for approximately 4 minutes, at that stage.

It is amazing, the crap you come up with to entertain kids, when the need arises.
We ended up with a press-button belly-button which turned on & off when pressed.

The ON switch caused Jayden to run around like crazy, which received alot of attention & giggles from other waiting little ones.

The OFF switch caused him to suddenly become slow & quiet.
(He really should have one of them OFF switches fitted!)

He soon wore sick of that game, & decided the time was good to run amok.
Each time I had to bring him back from the area we were sitting in outside, in the sun, he would loudly protest, with "Ouch! My arm Mum!" which, of course had everyone turn & stare at me "abusing" my poor child..... *rolls eyes!*

Seriously though, where the hell do they learn some stuff???
Like, when I roused on him for kicking his brother (in the broken leg) he pouts, & says, "Don't yell at me Mum!"
Because, apparently, not giving in to him, or stopping him from doing something is "yelling" at him....

Anyway...we are home now, & we have a bright red fibreglass cast on Jake's leg.
I was even first to sign it. Ner!
I was allowed to write Crusty Demons on it for him, but, my personal message had to be proofread by him on paper first, for the level of wussiness it may rate, once he's back at school & his mates might read it....

Tonight, we are off to surprise Jamie's Dad, & rock up for dinner for his birthday.
Reminds me... I need to wrap his gift & sign his card!!


Friday, May 16

First Kisses

Yesterday, we had Miss Kalyndi visit with us & spend some time here.

Jayden was very helpful!

K will be 2 at the end of the year, & it surprised me how gentle Jayden was with her!

He demonstrated bouncing on his Zebra for her, and then held her hand & led her to it for her turn.

He gathered the one & only baby doll Tylah has (thrown in the corner of her room, so her friends will never see it, Oh Dear Lord! if they do...!!!) & gave it to Miss K, rather proud of himself for doing so!

When he started to get tired, a little bit of jealousy arose, & he was quick to be the first one to get a spot on my lap when I sat down!

Once he was ok with sharing me again, he wandered off to do his own thing.

Miss K had moved on to playing with Jaydens Thomas train, & I found my little rough & ready to tumble, little this:

(Check out that smooch!)

Made me laugh hysterically, when he realised he'd been snapped...was kind of like,

"Oooooh, did she see that?!" "'re dropped, baby!"

Aches & Pains...& Breaks & Sprains!

What a funny looking bunch our household is at the moment!

After Jake's transfer from 2 legs to crutches, life has not had a quiet moment..(oh, except for now, & the 5 mins i have allowed to get this typed!)

He was prescribed Panadeine Forte for the first few days to manage the pain.

He was so funny to watch hobbling around...mean, I know, but he was!

(Until he was a bit too woozy & almost stacked it on the cushion Jayden placed on the ground for him!)

The bloody cushion which he got one of his crutches stuck on & went flying.
I tried to catch his fall.
I am a shocking catch!

He landed on me, kind of squishing my hand.
After an agonising day, I went to the Dr, who sent me for X-rays & turns out I have a severe sprain in my left wrist.

So, the next few weeks will be spent visiting the fracture clinic...oh yay!
(Sarcasm dripping there!)

Have enough school work to keep the boy going for a while, so I better make sure he's off the PS2 & actually doing it!


Monday, May 12

Mothers Day...2008.

What a spoilt brat I was yesterday!

How nice it was to be a spoilt brat too!!

My morning began with me chuckling quietly at the kids efforts to not be heard pottering around the house, gathering up their cards & gifts to bring me, as well as get a head start on my breakfast in bed, which I had a feeling I might get!

So, as they approached my bedroom door, I snuggled my head deep into the doona, sqeezing my eyes tightly closed.

(I am the worst fake-sleeper, EVER!

Eyelids fluttering away, smile escaping my lips, which quiver more, at the attempt to hide it!)

Then, they burst in, & made a dive on me, all while yelling, "Happy Mothers Day!"

It was the best part of my day.

Well, actually, on second thoughts, anytime my 13 yr old son actually kisses me without being forced to, is the best part of my day!

I was then ordered to stay in bed, while I was presented with a cup of coffee & a plate of pancakes with maple syrup & icecream & wildberries...YUM!

Opened gifts then spent the morning lounging around.

I called Mum & my sister, & Jamie's cousin , & did the Happy Mums day with them all, over the phone.

If Mum hadn't had to work, I would have gone to see her for the day.

In the afternoon, we decided to go for a walk, so Tylah could practise her skateboarding on the newly-tarred roads in our area.

Jake asked if he could go & play footy with his mates & Uncle Dillon & his mates, which we were cool with; he had done his "time" with me!

Not even half an hour into our walk, we get a call that Jake hurt his foot & reports that the boys had heard it crack! we go, into the car, & spend the next 5 hours at the hospital, where he is X-rayed, plastered & sent home with instructions to attend the Fracture Clinic this morning, at a different hospital.

Ortho Surgeon was concerned that the crack was right in Jakes growth plate, & for further assessment, he was required to undergo a CT scan.

We were then told we could go home, & the Dr will call us regarding his decision on whether to operate & insert a screw, or just go back for another cast to be put on.

So, next Monday, we go back, for one or the other.

If he gets out of an Op....I told him I'm asking for bright pink plaster for him...heehee!

All up, this is the 5th time our eldest son has been in plaster!!

The Dr spoke to him today, about the importance of protecting his bones, and arthiritis etc, when he's older.

He is so his fathers son!!

Jamie is the most accident-prone guy I have ever met.

Lord help Jakes future wife!!

And, Lord help me.

The Slave...for the next few weeks!!!

Sunday, May 11

Happy Mothers Day

To all Mothers....whether your children are held in your arms, or carried in your hearts.....wishing you a love-filled day.

Wow, what a morning.
It has all been about me!

Was under strict instructions by the Master J & Miss T to not move from my bed, while being entertained by littlest-Master J, who had ample amounts of smooches flowing freely for his Mummy this morning!! Too cute!

I was given coffee & pancakes with maple syrup, wild berries & ice-cream... in bed!

In between mouthfuls, I was hassled to open gifts....(so hard that was! LOL)

Jayden made me a gorgeous card & a smelly thing to hang.
Tylah brought chocolates & fluffy bed socks. (which she knows I adore!)
Jake gave me a lovely card & perfume.
From DH I got a huge cuddle & a whisper in my ear,
"Thank you for being the wonderful Mother that you are, & loving me & the kids the way you do"
*sob sob*
Total mess I became at those words!
But, it was a lovely mess!
