Thursday, August 28

Daggin' around...

I think every girl needs to have a few special people in her life, that she can truly be silly with!

Luckily, for me, I do have a few....& alot of those moments!

My sisters, Dee & Kylie, my cousin Bee , my sister-inlaw, Tanya, & then theres my bestest friend, Bridgey-didge, (Happy Birthday, my darlin'!) who all, at some stage or rather, been soooo ridiculously silly with me that we have almost peed our pants.

(Ah, Bee...the acid trip time, in our teenage years counts, because, even though we thought we were being serious, the notion that the trolley really was climbing that telegraph pole...truly was ridiculous, when you think back now, don'tcha think??)

Tanya has embarrassed all of us,(my kids included) when she rode a kids wooden horse around Big-W, total excitement etched on her face, full neighing & all, & other shoppers, look at us & smile, thinking how sweet we are, for taking out our mentally retarded family member.

Kylie,....- I truly can't count the stoopid shit we've done together. I am sure she will remind me though. Maybe shopping stuff?

Dee,...- So many moments we have had to stop driving because we are laughing so hard that we may crash. And her insults! OMG! Would make a sailor friggin funny.

Bridgett & I just need to be in the same room for silliness to occur.

Bee...- We would do those hilarious re-enactments of the dickheads on the Springer show, remember? Huh, mah cuzint??

I know theres more, but I am doped up on Cold & Flu & I can't think of them!

Anyway...a good example of bein'-silly time was yesterday.

Kylie & I were nudging each other & being immature on MSN, when I came up with these...

So, read the first cover a little...


"Yeah, so the secret eating!

Just drink! Its that simple!"

and, my personal favourite, to reflect the mood I was in yesterday...

LOVING LIFE - A second chance at a new beginning!

Cause I tell ya, I could have so easily gone for milk, & detoured to the airport, & jumped the fuck on the first plane out, the way I felt!!

Bloody stupid hormones.

Today is sweet though.

I am stayin' around a bit longer, I think. LOL.

For Sally

Hey Sal,

Hope you don't mind that I have changed my template, after you put together the last one for me!

I was about to e-mail you & ask you to change it to the one I have, & I thought , "Hey it yourself!"

I really didn't have great hopes of it working correctly, so imagine my surprise when it friggin' did!!

I am sure I will be begging for help again soon, though....if you'll listen!LOL

But, in the meantime, isn't this one sooo cute?!

Wednesday, August 27

New Camera Pics

I need to show off some pics taken with my new camera I purchased on Sunday.

(Our local Harvey Norman had a sale, & I scored pretty-freakin-well!)

I reallllly reallllly had to have the Nikon D40, (I think it was- I looked at so many I could easily be confusing models!) husband, ever the party pooper, threatened to divorce me on the spot, if I even looked at it sideways.


(I'm sure the camera & I would have been very happy....)

Instead, I got a Fuji something or rather, (I soooo know what I'm talking about, don't I?) & am fairly chuffed with it.

I let the brat-bag loose in our patio area with paints & paper & morning tea, while I snapped away; playing with settings etc.

These are what I came up with....

...yeah, pretty shitty, I know...but...I'll get there!!

Today sucks...

Fuck, I hate today.

Everyone wants something done & I don't wanna fucking do it.

I'd rather be in my bed, with the blanket over my head & my I-pod drowning everyone out.
Except I know the little boy would be in prising my eyelids open, (cause, hey! thats what he does!)

Jamie will come home, whinging & whining, because, lets face it, we know the man-version of this flu is just....sooooo much worse, than what us women cop, right?!

Jake, who is 13 yrs,(who seems to have inherited his Father's whinging ways when sick) seems to think I may have forgotten, unless he tells me every 20 minutes, that his throat hurts, & that he feels horrible, to which, I smile sympathetically, & tell him he'll be okay, while really, I'd love to tell him to shut up with telling me, already....but of course, I don't.......

Have washing to do, but can't be's only going to rain on it, when I can't be assed (again) to take it off the line later.

Mum has been trying to MMS me, & I can't get the picture for some reason. Everytime I tell her I didn't get it...she re-sends it.
Don't think she gets it.

Have got this chick hassling me to have a Tupperware party, & I keep putting her off...should ring now, while I'm all chatty (not) & shit! Ha!

Fuckity fuck fuck.

Did I mention I have PMS???

Tuesday, August 26

The Throne

So...I was over waiting for Jayden to decide he was ready to toilet train, & took matters into my own hands to accelerate the process!

Went shopping for an awesome potty.

(Yes, awesome & potty in the same sentence!)

I was actually thinking of just getting the padded seat type thing that fits over the standard toilet seat, but Jayden had issues with himself being flushed & point blank flat out refused to even look at it.

My friend Kia, who was assisting me that day, & I were reading all the different types of of ones that stocked, when Jayden excitedly starts thrusting himself, trying to break free from the harness in his pram, to get at this particular one he wanted, all the while, saying,

"Me! That one! Want that one, Mum!"

How the heck can you refuse that?!

I am a sucker, I tell ya!

So, we left the store, was chosen potty (on special too! Bonus!) & that day began the serious side of toilet training.

Am proud to say, we have not had a wet night nappy!

He will wake, with an urgency to get that nappy off & sit on his throne.

So happy, am I!

BUT....the little bugger won't have a barr of wearing undies. He is still attached to having to have a nappy on.....ahhh, we'll get there.

Funniest thing I have ever seen, was Jayden yesterday, telling me he was sick, then promptly running to his potty, to lift the lid & pretend to be sick in it!

(His brother had recently been unwell, is where he got it from!)

Ahhh, kids.....certainly light up our lives, don't they?
(Even with talk of potty's & wee's!)

Monday, August 25

The Flu - Round 2.

It seems the Flu hasn't finished with our family just yet!
Bloody thing.
Am so over it!
This is why I hate winter!!!

Last night, the grossest thing ever happened to me.
I have been spewed on, (in my mouth, courtesy of Jake, as a baby) been projectile-pooed all over (thanks to Tylah)...but this took the cake...

Jayden was laying between his father & I, when I rolled over to kiss his cheek.
As I did, I was a little lower on the bed than he was; directly under his head, as he was pretty much on top of the pillow.
As I tilted my head to look up at him, he had one finger over his nostril & as he started to breath out, I copped an eyeful of shooting snot!!
In. My. Eyeball!
TOTALLY inside my eyeball...(get me??)
It was disgusting, & even now, I am dry-retching, typing it... Ewwww.
Snotty germy kids! LOL

And of course, Jamie thought it so hilarious, he almost p*ssed himself.....
WHY do these things always happen to me...& not Jamie??
*stomps feet*

Monday, August 18

The New Man in my Life...

I think I have kept fairly quiet about him.....

I am seeing him 3 times a week at the moment, & far out, what a glorious 3 days of my week, they are!
I leave his place feeling like I am on Cloud 9.

The second I arrive there, I feel at ease, & I just know I will leave there feeling so much better after I have had his hands on me!

I enter that room, kick off my shoes, & sprawl myself out, awaiting his magical touch....ahh, bliss!
It usually only lasts for 15 minutes or so, but that 15 mins has become the highlight of my day!

I am then ready to go home & face the mundane tasks awaiting me; all the while knowing it's only another day or so until I will be back to see him...

His name is Billy, & he is my chiropractor.

With whom, I might add, I will have the pleasure of visiting 3 times a week, until he can correct my dodgy neck.
I have been X-rayed, & its not pretty! (Either is the cost of being treated!)
(Will add the report in a later post.)

Sunday, August 17

On Ebay Watch....

....was my sister, when I phoned her on Friday morning to see what she was up to.
Thats all ok, I mean, I have spent many a time sitting on the edge of my seat, towards the end of an auction!

My two youngest & I were heading up to my sisters & her husbands overnight, as Ty had a friends party to attend the next day, & we thought Jamie & Jake had intentions of staying in Brisbane to go to the footy.

I was chatting to her, & checking what we should bring.
Mentally ticking off a checklist in my head, and trying to get packed to head there.

As we were saying goodbye, & "see you shortly" etc, I remembered to ask her what she had been watching on Ebay.

"Pavers!" she responded.

Fuck. Me Dead.

I can't believe I heard her say that!

(Okay, I'll admit...they are pretty sexy pavers...well, if pavers could be classed as sexy, these are HOT...)


Wednesday, August 13

Some Pics & a random ramble!

Jamie cleaned out his memory card on his mobile, & "gave" me a heap of pics from his phone.

Some I had completely forgotten had been taken! Which then led me to hunt around & find a memory card from an old camera!

Just random snaps, from the beach, (where my children reside during summer) and being out & about.....

I am thinking DH must have taken alot of them when I was on stupid night shift, & he would take the kids out in the arvo while I was sleeping.

Missing him & I can't believe I am!!

I thought I would be at the point of reallllly needing this break from him, after the week & a bit we spent together, bickering & carrying on when he was off with his dodgy ribs!

Friday night, Jake & Jamie are off to the footy, so Tylah, Jayden & I will go & crash the night at my sis's, where no doubt, her & I will take them out for dinner, then come home & get ridiculously smashed on Vodka & Redbull & maybe Kahlua, (if she has ordered it for me!!)

(Hint hint, Kylie......)

Jake- about to hit the surf

Jayden - writing on the sand

Little man, obviously being chased!

Ty- in Cairns

Jamie & Jayden

Jake- assessing the surf ABOVE- Ty @ Green Island
& BELOW- Tylah on the beach @ home.

I know. It looks as though Ty & Jayden are the only ones we get pics of...would be because our eldest son is never.bloody.home!!!!!

Monday, August 11

Hectic Weekend...(oooops, a forgotten draft!)

After a shitful week, with on & off neck pain, ended up working Sat night, til late, then an early Sunday start, (but only a short shift) and can honestly say I feel every bit of EVERY SECOND I worked!

How funny too.

Jamie grew up in Stanthorpe, we are hours away here.

A dining party, as they made their way through to be seated in the restaurant, one lady stopped & stared at my mum-in-law, & said.."I know you! I taught your son, in highschool!"

They got chatting, & it turns out that she was indeed, Jamies Science teacher, from years ago!

She was delighted to chat with me & hear that Jamie is now a Dad...compared to the rascal that was forever distracting the entire class with his class-clown antics....

He had a huge grin, when I got home & recalled the conversation with him!

Monday, August 4

Well, whaddya know!

I woke @ 4.00am in agony.
My neck was so was.... a pain in the neck...(Oh, Im too funny, aren't I?!)

Tylah had been up half the night with sneezing & carrying on from a cold she has picked up, sometime between yesterday morning & lunchtime!

I decided to stay up, once Jayden began to stir, & therefore have eyes bulging outta my head right about now....

I decided to go ahead with personal training anyway...surely, I could not feel anymore pain than I already was.
(And it was more fun today, as I had other people to train with, rather than being one-on-one with my trainer/torturer/brother-in-law!)

I had to take Jayden with me, (which is no biggie, as my parents-in-law were home also, & swiftly kidnapped him once they heard we were in the gym.)
What a classic he was at first!
He wanted to imitate all of us doing training, (....have you ever seen a 3 year old going hard on a treadmill? was priceless! ) & I am sure he would have had a crack at the weights, had we not been eyeballing him like a hawk around them!

Anyway...during the training, my weights were increased...(I thought I'd still be a few weeks off any changing yet!), & touch wood, I am getting used to it...because I still had energy today...and....I can still walk, without looking stiff & having to throw one limb in front of the other to get it movin'!

Go me!

Even better, is that I can't feel any pain in my neck!

I guess I should retract my earlier comments bout exercising being dangerous stuff??

Sunday, August 3


Have I whinged yet, about my sore neck?
I can't remember!!

I woke 2 days ago, with a bit of a kink in my neck.
Later, that first day, it started to get a bit worse.

Have been getting by with deep heat slathered on so thick that it almost friggin' burns.
It manages to ease it a little, for a little bit.

I've been going to bed, thinking it has to be better by the next morning, but so far, no luck.

I think I will go to the chiro in the morning if it's still sore.

One plus is that Jamie has taken pity on me & taken dinner into his own hands...

He & Jake have gone to get take-away!
Lazy bugger!

Friday, August 1

Fridays Blurb

It is Friday, huh?

Man, this week has flown.

You know, there was a time once, when I enjoyed it when Jamie had time off work.

The last few days...I have been imagining whether I could fit his body in the veggie garden plot & never be found out...

Just kidding....

(Kinda sorta...)


Jake's school had a Development school for him today.
Instead, he went with his mates to help one make his English Assignment...a video about Bodyboarding, at the beach.

It is actually a really warm day felt like Summer, when I was hanging the washing earlier!

My tax refund can't arrive soon enough...everythings bloody blowing up!
In a week & a half, I have lost a kettle, a microwave & the latest, was Jayden's TV!

Kettle has been replaced, but am still browsing round for a microwave.
Amazing how dependent upon the little suckers you do become!

Poor kids... *rolls eyes* They are suffering sooo much without it!

(Part of a conversation regarding the whole loss of microwave)
Them: "You know how long it takes to have to heat things the old fashioned way, Mum?"
Me: "What? Using the oven?"
Them: "Yes!" in unison
Me: "How do you think dinner gets baked, roasted etc?" (rolling my eyes at them in disbelief that they think they have a VALID whinge excuse!)
Them: "Oh yeah, but you are used to doing things that way! Did they even have microwaves when you were a kid??"

Cheeky little sods. Can cook for 'emselves tonight!