Thursday, July 17

For Kylie

I know you are hanging out to hear the story about the old biddy near the park.

Will briefly fill you in...

The kids all get together with others in the neighbourhood, to meet up in the park across from our house, to play footy.
(Boy, girls of both kids ages join in, as well as Dillon & his mates)

Anyhoo...they were always coming home, complaining about this old lady who threatens o keep their balls (footballs!!) if they land in her yard by accident.

The kids usually ignored her, so they said, but I am envisioning the odd mouthful of cheek, slung her way, I mean...these kids are almost teenagers!
Not saying it's right, but, hey...we were all kids once & I haven't forgotten how I hated to be told off especially when I wasn't in the wrong!!

Anyway, this one time (at bandcamp...ha! Just popped into my head!) we (Jamie & I ) went with them to cook up a BBQ for lunch, for after the crew of kids had finished their footy game.

Well, the old biddy started on them didn't she!
I heard her say, "If that ball lands in my yard I am keeping it!"
She didn't see us adults there, (well, granted, I am the size of your average 10 yr old, & her eyesight would be getting on!)
I piped up & said,
"Errr, actually, that is theft...keeping something that does not belong to you"

The fucking old bat, didn't miss a beat.
She snapped, "I dont care! They shouldn't be playing here!!!"
(Local park, hello??? Where should they play? On the road??)

She ranted & raved for a bit, about them, & I had had enough!
For fucks sake, these poor kids were not harming anyone or anything.
They just wanted to run around & have fun together.

Jamie listened to her ramble, (I had to walk away, I was fuming & felt like letting out obscenities, but hey...there were too many kids in earshot for that!) but he made it clear that if she didn't like kids playing there, perhaps she should have considered that when buying her duplex which was built after the park was!

When I get old, I swear, I will not be a miserable old bat!
I swear!!!

There was heaps more to the story, but it just sounds silly all typed out, so I will re-enact it for you when I see you, Kyle's!! haha)



Soph said...

*PMSL* I can just see you getting all fired up @ the old battleaxe!!
She is probably still complaining about that jumped up 'teenager' who tried to take her on :P

As for you not getting miserable in your old age - I thought that would be the fun bit of getting know an excuse for being a grumpy old tart and getting away with it (as opposed to now...when I don't seem to get away with it!!) lmao

Tina said...

PMSL Soph!
Haha, I never though of that! She WAS probably thinking I was a cheeky little Miss!!