Wednesday, January 27

Over a year...

Holy cow, Batman!
It has been well & truly over 12 months since I last posted a blog entry. Oooooooh.

No excuses,...I actually forgot I even HAD a blog.

Well, back in the start of my non-posting, my sister would nag every now & then about having nothing new to read ( :AHEM: Meaning she didnt know EVERY freaking detail of my life, & I'd better get moving to speed her up! haha )

So....whats been happening?
Soooo much!

My kids,- ( I guess I should start with them, riiiight??)
I don't know how it happened, but, they are suddenly, like, BIG PEOPLE.
I mean, they still expect that I do some motherly duties, but, for the most part, if I could teach them to use the washing machine, I reckon we can have them moving out real soon....

Nice aren't I?
I recall a time when I would catch the sob in my throat at the thought of my babies ever leaving me.

Jake, who is now 15, seems to not speak much...just a few "Mmmm" "Nah" "Can I have some money?" tidbits thrown here & there at me, & me, well, shit, I'm just grateful to know he can still speak!

He tells us he's moving out when he's 18. Or maybe 21. He will let us know.
I told him a weeks notice is fine. (haha!)

The girl. *Groan*
Used to be sooooo sweet. Soooo nice.
Well, now....shes a moody little thing. (Genetic?)
Spends alot of time in her room. On MSN. On her mobile. On MY phone. Anywhere but with me...unless I have $ & she knows I would do anything to hang out with her that I would even spend it on her....!

The little boy. Still so super uber cute & spunky.
Also extremely cheeky. To me. I don't like!
BUT, on saying that...I am still the sunshine in his world....he adores me!
(Til he gets like those other 2, anyway...! :P )

And, I think thats about a wrap up from my end for now.
I will try not to let it go for another year between posts!!

Take care, anyone out there!