Saturday, October 18

I've been ... TAGGED!

I've been tagged by Sally!
I've not been tagged before, I don't think!

1. Where is your cell phone? In my bag...on SILENT! OOOPS.
2. Where is your significant other? Work.
3. Your hair color? A mix of blondish chocolate foils
4. Your mother? At work.
5. Your father? At his house..probably gardening.
6. Your favorite thing? Happiness
7. Your dream last night? Not sure...can't remember.
8. Your dream/goal? For my children to be happy & successful in their lives.
9. The room your in? Office
10. Your hobby?Reading, professional beach bum... :)
11. Your fear? Something happening to my kids.
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Not paying as much for bloody, not sure!
13. Where were you last night? At work
14. What you’re not? Tall
15. One of your wish list items? A Pandora bracelet!
16. Where you grew up? Tweed Coast
17. The last thing you did? Hung washing!
18. What are you wearing? Pink singlet & bikini bottoms...(keep getting in & out of pool!)
19. Your TV? Roary the Racing Car
20. Your pet? Bunny
21. Your computer? Laptop heapa shit!
22. Your mood? Relaxed
23. Missing someone? My mum
24. Your car? Suzuki Grand Vitara XL7
25. Something you’re not wearing? Shoes
26. Favorite store?Tempt & perfume empire
27. Your summer? It was hot, hot, hot
28. Love someone? Mostly lol
29. Your favorite color? Pink
30. When is the last time you laughed? At Jayden...he was watching the Woolies ad where the little girl makes a "jewel" necklace with fruit...he says everytime he sees the ad.."Thats my girl!"
he loves her!!!!
31. Last time you cried? Wednesday....was so sick of the shit in my life!
Im okay now... ;)

Friday, October 10

Another Birthday.

Our precious girl celebrated her 12th birthday on Wednesday.
Each year that passes, I always am amazed at how fast the next one has come around.

It truly does feel like yesterday, that we discovered we were having her!
And here she is, smart, so beautiful, so independent & grown so much.

She is a popular girl among her friends....they report that she is the "caring one" of the group...she will sit out of a game to keep an injured mate company, even if she really likes whats going on!

She is so beautifully natured, she has such a huge heart, which also enables her to be wounded easily...

Her future is so bright...she will be whatever she sets her mind to....then some!....I know it.

As much as I don't want her to grow up too....I am looking forward to her becoming a young adult, & sharing in her life, as she chooses her own path.

I will always be there...ready to share in her excitements, disappointments, triumphs, or just be a shopping buddy!!

No matter how old she gets....she will forever be my baby girl.

Happy Birthday Tylah.
I am so proud to be your Mum. xoxox
(Now some pics!)

Our baby girl, 8 weeks old.

Taken last year.


"The Girls"...pool party on Wednesday!

Mother & Daughter

Saturday, October 4

Clever Little Man

We have a very clever little boy on our hands, with Jayden.

He has a keen interest in numbers, & can recognise any number from 1-10.

Out shopping, was when he first amazed us.

It was before he was 2 years old, & he looked up from the trolley, with eyes wide & said, "Look Mum! Its 4!" as we entered aisle number 4.

I had put that down to memorising them from a television show, Numberjacks, which he is an addict of!

When we got home, we went with it...I was excited to see how much was just recognition.

Well....I gave him a handful of cards, fom 1-10.

Not only did he point out number 6...he turned the card upside down & said, "Now....9!" back the other way again, "Now...6!".... & again, "Now...9!" til he gathered that yes, Mum does get the drift!

Colours & numbers are his thing. He loves to show just how clever he is.

He is the same with colours; can tell you any colour you point at.

He loves counting & painting at the moment.

Wonder what he will be into within the next 12 months?....

My team.

Thinking back to when I was a little girl, & my dad was a keen Manly supporter.
I didn't have a clue what the heck football was about, but from a very early age, would get about singing, "Manly are the best!" when my Dad had his mates around to watch a game.

I recall eating a boiled egg, before an athletics carnival that my Dad had proudly on display, with an emblem of Manly on it.
(It wasn't the same one, but was the spiel my dad used to get me amped before the carnival, I guess! It must have worked too...I was a winner that day!)

And he made sure I supported them throughout my teenage years, when asked who I barracked for, I would mumble "Manly, Dad" and roll my eyes with embarrassment.

At that stage, I don't think they actually won many games.
It was not cool to support them.

As I grew older, my loyalty stayed with my Dads team, even though I had a Bronco nut for a husband & son!

A few weeks ago, Jamie looked at me & said, "Hun, I think Manly might go ok you know!" and, seeing as he has disowned the Broncos after their last disappointing match, I suggested that he adopt Manly.

And so he has!

Last night at work, I was partaking in a conversation regarding football when the subject of Manly arose.
I said, "Ooooh! They're my team!"

The customer said, "Yeah, funny how many Manly supporters are suddenly cropping up"
Fuck you buddy.
I supported 'em waaay back when I was forced too, so...bite that!