Sunday, August 17

On Ebay Watch....

....was my sister, when I phoned her on Friday morning to see what she was up to.
Thats all ok, I mean, I have spent many a time sitting on the edge of my seat, towards the end of an auction!

My two youngest & I were heading up to my sisters & her husbands overnight, as Ty had a friends party to attend the next day, & we thought Jamie & Jake had intentions of staying in Brisbane to go to the footy.

I was chatting to her, & checking what we should bring.
Mentally ticking off a checklist in my head, and trying to get packed to head there.

As we were saying goodbye, & "see you shortly" etc, I remembered to ask her what she had been watching on Ebay.

"Pavers!" she responded.

Fuck. Me Dead.

I can't believe I heard her say that!

(Okay, I'll admit...they are pretty sexy pavers...well, if pavers could be classed as sexy, these are HOT...)



Sally said...

LOL Tina. Did she win her pavers?

Hope you had a great time with her.

Sal x

Tina said...

Yes, she did win them!
LOL! You'd want to, after sitting there watching them like a hawk!!

Kylie said...

LMFAO!! My pavers are hot!! lol haha!! They look great!! Stevo made a pathway at the front of the house (instead of putting them out the back) They look really nice!! Cant wait for u 2 c them!