Thursday, August 28

Daggin' around...

I think every girl needs to have a few special people in her life, that she can truly be silly with!

Luckily, for me, I do have a few....& alot of those moments!

My sisters, Dee & Kylie, my cousin Bee , my sister-inlaw, Tanya, & then theres my bestest friend, Bridgey-didge, (Happy Birthday, my darlin'!) who all, at some stage or rather, been soooo ridiculously silly with me that we have almost peed our pants.

(Ah, Bee...the acid trip time, in our teenage years counts, because, even though we thought we were being serious, the notion that the trolley really was climbing that telegraph pole...truly was ridiculous, when you think back now, don'tcha think??)

Tanya has embarrassed all of us,(my kids included) when she rode a kids wooden horse around Big-W, total excitement etched on her face, full neighing & all, & other shoppers, look at us & smile, thinking how sweet we are, for taking out our mentally retarded family member.

Kylie,....- I truly can't count the stoopid shit we've done together. I am sure she will remind me though. Maybe shopping stuff?

Dee,...- So many moments we have had to stop driving because we are laughing so hard that we may crash. And her insults! OMG! Would make a sailor friggin funny.

Bridgett & I just need to be in the same room for silliness to occur.

Bee...- We would do those hilarious re-enactments of the dickheads on the Springer show, remember? Huh, mah cuzint??

I know theres more, but I am doped up on Cold & Flu & I can't think of them!

Anyway...a good example of bein'-silly time was yesterday.

Kylie & I were nudging each other & being immature on MSN, when I came up with these...

So, read the first cover a little...


"Yeah, so the secret eating!

Just drink! Its that simple!"

and, my personal favourite, to reflect the mood I was in yesterday...

LOVING LIFE - A second chance at a new beginning!

Cause I tell ya, I could have so easily gone for milk, & detoured to the airport, & jumped the fuck on the first plane out, the way I felt!!

Bloody stupid hormones.

Today is sweet though.

I am stayin' around a bit longer, I think. LOL.


Unknown said...

LMAO damn we had sum fun aye ... Damn i miss ya Kuzint !! all da tyme all de farkin tyme xoxoxoxox