Friday, August 1

Fridays Blurb

It is Friday, huh?

Man, this week has flown.

You know, there was a time once, when I enjoyed it when Jamie had time off work.

The last few days...I have been imagining whether I could fit his body in the veggie garden plot & never be found out...

Just kidding....

(Kinda sorta...)


Jake's school had a Development school for him today.
Instead, he went with his mates to help one make his English Assignment...a video about Bodyboarding, at the beach.

It is actually a really warm day felt like Summer, when I was hanging the washing earlier!

My tax refund can't arrive soon enough...everythings bloody blowing up!
In a week & a half, I have lost a kettle, a microwave & the latest, was Jayden's TV!

Kettle has been replaced, but am still browsing round for a microwave.
Amazing how dependent upon the little suckers you do become!

Poor kids... *rolls eyes* They are suffering sooo much without it!

(Part of a conversation regarding the whole loss of microwave)
Them: "You know how long it takes to have to heat things the old fashioned way, Mum?"
Me: "What? Using the oven?"
Them: "Yes!" in unison
Me: "How do you think dinner gets baked, roasted etc?" (rolling my eyes at them in disbelief that they think they have a VALID whinge excuse!)
Them: "Oh yeah, but you are used to doing things that way! Did they even have microwaves when you were a kid??"

Cheeky little sods. Can cook for 'emselves tonight!