Monday, August 18

The New Man in my Life...

I think I have kept fairly quiet about him.....

I am seeing him 3 times a week at the moment, & far out, what a glorious 3 days of my week, they are!
I leave his place feeling like I am on Cloud 9.

The second I arrive there, I feel at ease, & I just know I will leave there feeling so much better after I have had his hands on me!

I enter that room, kick off my shoes, & sprawl myself out, awaiting his magical touch....ahh, bliss!
It usually only lasts for 15 minutes or so, but that 15 mins has become the highlight of my day!

I am then ready to go home & face the mundane tasks awaiting me; all the while knowing it's only another day or so until I will be back to see him...

His name is Billy, & he is my chiropractor.

With whom, I might add, I will have the pleasure of visiting 3 times a week, until he can correct my dodgy neck.
I have been X-rayed, & its not pretty! (Either is the cost of being treated!)
(Will add the report in a later post.)


Sally said...

LOL tina!

Did I ever tell you that you have a way with words?

Luv, Me xx

Kylie said...

Hmmm, LMAO, If i didn't know about "the new man in your life" before i read this blog i would have been like "OMFG, my sister is having an affair!!" It's funny as!! You should have been a writer!!

Tina said...

LOL, thanks Sal...I'm a million miles a minute kinda person & I actually find it difficult to write,at times, because my mind goes quicker than I can process the thoughts.....

Kylie, PMSL.
Imagine MUM reading that entry!!!
Haha. Maybe I should link her too....LOL

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

Hey! You have a blog! I didn't know.

I've just found a new chiro, his name is Martin and he's pretty good. But, like you, judging from the xrays I just got back, this is going to be an expensive relationship.

Tina said...

Hi Mel :)

Oh, you poor thing...its not fun, is it!!
(The visits, OR the cost!)

Hope you've been well xoxo