Our precious girl celebrated her 12th birthday on Wednesday.
Each year that passes, I always am amazed at how fast the next one has come around.
It truly does feel like yesterday, that we discovered we were having her!
And here she is, ...so smart, so beautiful, so independent & grown so much.
She is a popular girl among her friends....they report that she is the "caring one" of the group...she will sit out of a game to keep an injured mate company, even if she really likes whats going on!
She is so beautifully natured, she has such a huge heart, which also enables her to be wounded easily...
Her future is so bright...she will be whatever she sets her mind to....then some!....I know it.
As much as I don't want her to grow up too....I am looking forward to her becoming a young adult, & sharing in her life, as she chooses her own path.
I will always be there...ready to share in her excitements, disappointments, triumphs, or just be a shopping buddy!!
No matter how old she gets....she will forever be my baby girl.
Our baby girl, 8 weeks old.
Taken last year.
"The Girls"...pool party on Wednesday!
Aww, Tina! You sound justifiably proud of Tylah!
I hope her birthday was awesome. I love the pictures, she's beautiful!
Is Jake 13 yet? Or is that a really silly question since Tylah just turned 12! LOL.
Sal xx
Thanks Sal!
LOL...yep, Jake is 13...14 in Jan! *EEEK*...
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