Busy start to the morning today, when I had 3 birthday calls to make!
My sister turns 30 today, my dear friend, Jane, turns 32, & my cousin Rayelene, turned 32 as well, (I think!)
Had been hoping to head up & take Dee (my sister) out to lunch, but my little man is not quite 100%, so I'm not too keen on taking him out.
Dunno what the hell is wrong with me, but I cannot stop feeling bloody tired!
I am eating well, resting well.....I dunno!
Fathers Day was great.
Jamie is a spoilt biatch, I tell ya!
He scored well... Jim Beam radio for work, new Pete Murray CD, Jim Beam car seat covers, (he's a JB collector nut!) new aftershave, & a big ass bag of Darrel Lea chocolate bullets, (so that we could scab some off him & he'd still get a good go at them!)
I also dragged my sorry (that I mentioned I'd do it! HA!) ass outta bed at 5am, people! & cooked him bacon & snags (he's not an egg eater, poor pet went "off" them & coffee when I was pregnant with Jake, & to this day, he hasn't touched since!) hash browns, baked beans & muffins, for the kids to take credit for...LOL.
He was fairly stoked.
I then went to work til after lunch, had a quick squizz around the markets then wandered home.
Bundled up the family, & we went to have lunch out.
I kept telling them I was taking them to KFC, but had intentions of going to Outback Jacks, as I knew Jamie loved it.
I burnt the fuck out of my tongue on these spicy coated friggin chicken pieces that were in my salad..(pig skin salad, as Jake called it, as the edible tortilla bowl reminded him og pig skin! Thanks, son!)
I couldn't believe it when Jake ate it without even making an expression!
(I am still rubbing ice cubes on my bloody tongue...I swear, it has a blister on it!)
Next year, it just might be KFC!
(My beautiful family- pics taken Fathers Day 2008)
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