Tuesday, May 27

Gettin' Fit!

Yesterday, Tylah came to me with the suggestion of us starting to go running, in the mornings, before she heads to school.

After a fair amount of ribbing from Jamie, (he was convinced there was no way in this lifetime would he see his daughter emerge from the comfort of her over-sized feather doona at any time before 7am!) she was easily roused from her sleep.

I had a quick coffee, (it should be an IV set-up, for times like these!) & by the time I was finished, Ty had come out dressed & ready to go!

We decided just a short run, being our first time in a while, & we were able to leave Jayden here while we went, as Jamie hadn't yet left for work.

As we got down the road, Tylah looked at me & said, "Mum, I had soooo much trouble getting up...but I knew if I didn't, Dad would never let us live it down"

On a serious note though, I am a little concerned about Tylah & her sudden need to get fit.
She is not quite 12 years old, & has suddenly developed a very strict eating routine.

"Nothing fatty", she says, as she is watching me pack her lunch...

"Only water!"...she requests, as I am filling her drink bottle.

She also then has to do a final approval before it is zipped away & put in her school bag.

We are aware of it, & have together decided to watch her like a hawk (without being obvious, of course! LOL)
I spoke to one of her friends Mums, who has also noticed that her daughter is doing the same.
Luckily, she is a teacher at the school, & has said she will keep an eye on them & listen out for anything that may be going on in the playground.

And, in the meantime....I can bake up a storm to tempt her tastebuds back!

If only...I could move my aching ass from this chair.....did you even know your ass could ache????
